In Galactic Leap, players embark on an interstellar journey as a charming alien character, aiming to leap between platforms suspended in a mesmerizing cosmic landscape. Set against the backdrop of floating islands, twinkling stars, and distant planets, this visually vibrant game challenges your precision and timing. Navigate your way upward, avoiding hazardous obstacles like dangerous spinning wheels. Reach new heights and score the best record as you soar through the galaxy!
Mahjong Magic Islands
Sky Man
Jigsaw Halloween
Vehicle Transport Police Simulator
Chaos Road Combat Car Racing
Color Rings Block Puzzle
Offroad Truck Animal Transporter
Spider Boy
Skater Boy
Block Craft 3D School
Bunny Goal
Slap Kingdom Slap Race
Halloween Simon
Whack e m All
Fairy Blossom Quest
GemMine Match 3
Anthill robbery
Spooky Slider
Vampiric Roulette Romance
Winter Racing 2D
Himalayan Monster
Archer Super Hero
Boxes Chaser
Perfect Pair
Noob vs Pro Chicken
Makeover Spa Dress Up
Boss Hunter Run
Water Sorting Color in the bottle